Python, Go, and TypeScript: My Insights on Crafting Command Line Interfaces

Sai Komal Pendela
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2023


Image from GitRepo

As a developer, I’ve always been fascinated by the power and flexibility of command line interfaces (CLIs). CLIs allow us to interact with software through text-based commands, enabling efficient and streamlined workflows. Over time, I’ve explored different programming languages to build CLIs, and in this article, I’ll share my experiences with creating CLIs using Python, Go, and TypeScript.

Python: A Versatile and Rapid Development Environment

Python has been my go-to language for various projects, and it didn’t disappoint when it came to creating CLIs. The availability of libraries like Click and argparse made it incredibly easy to build robust command line interfaces with minimal effort.

Click, in particular, stood out with its intuitive syntax and extensive documentation. It provided a simple and declarative way to define commands, options, and arguments. With its built-in support for context passing and command grouping, I was able to create complex and well-structured CLIs effortlessly.

Python’s extensive ecosystem also played a significant role in my CLI development journey. The availability of third-party libraries allowed me to integrate features like logging, configuration parsing, and API interactions seamlessly into my command line tools.

Go: Performance and Simplicity Combined

When I needed to build CLIs that required high-performance and efficiency, Go became my language of choice. Go’s compiled nature and lightweight concurrency model provided a perfect balance between speed and simplicity.

Go’s standard library includes a robust “flag” package, which made handling command line arguments a breeze. The package offered a simple and intuitive way to define and parse command line flags and arguments. Additionally, Go’s focus on static typing and strong error handling mechanisms gave me confidence in the reliability and stability of my CLI tools.

Go’s compiled binaries were another advantage. They allowed me to distribute standalone executables without any dependencies, making it convenient for end-users to install and use my CLI applications.

TypeScript: Power and Flexibility for Modern CLIs

With the rise of Node.js and the increasing popularity of TypeScript, I decided to explore creating CLIs in this ecosystem. TypeScript, being a superset of JavaScript, offered the power and flexibility of a dynamically-typed language along with the benefits of static typing.

The Commander library quickly became my favorite tool for building CLIs in TypeScript. It provided a declarative and expressive syntax, similar to Click in Python, making it easy to define commands, options, and arguments. Additionally, the built-in support for asynchronous operations and promise-based APIs proved invaluable when dealing with asynchronous tasks in my CLI applications.

The vast JavaScript ecosystem opened up numerous possibilities for extending the functionality of my TypeScript-based CLIs. I leveraged libraries like Inquirer.js for interactive prompts, Chalk for colorful console output, and Axios for making HTTP requests, all of which enhanced the user experience and productivity of my command line tools.


Having experienced creating CLIs in Python, Go, and TypeScript, I can confidently say that each language has its strengths and suitability for different use cases.

Python’s versatility, rich ecosystem, and ease of development make it an excellent choice for quickly prototyping and building feature-rich CLIs. Go’s performance, simplicity, and ease of distribution are well-suited for building high-performance and standalone command line tools. TypeScript, with its power, flexibility, and access to the JavaScript ecosystem, empowers developers to create modern, interactive CLIs.

Ultimately, the choice of language depends on the specific requirements of your CLI project. Consider the pros and cons mentioned here, and select the language that aligns best with your needs and preferences.

So, go ahead and dive into the world of command line interfaces. Explore different languages, experiment with libraries, and unleash your creativity to build CLIs that empower users and simplify their workflows.

Happy coding!

