Unleashing the Power of Rust’s Monomorphization in WebAssembly

Sai Komal Pendela
Level Up Coding
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2023


From OpenSource

Rust, a systems programming language known for its focus on safety and performance, has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the context of WebAssembly(Wasm) development. One of the key features that sets Rust apart is its use of monomorphization in generic code. In this article, we’ll explore what monomorphization is and how it plays a crucial role when using Rust in WebAssembly.

Understanding Monomorphization

Monomorphization is a compiler optimization technique that generates specialized code for each instantiation of generic functions or data structures. In Rust, generics allow developers to write reusable code that can work with different data types while maintaining strong type safety. However, Rust takes a different approach compared to languages like Java or C# that use type erasure. Instead, Rust embraces monomorphization.

When you define a generic function in Rust, like a sorting algorithm that can work with various data types, the Rust compiler will create a separate version of that function for each concrete type it is used with. This means that if you sort an array of integers and another array of strings, Rust will generate two distinct and optimized sorting functions — one specialized for integers and the other for strings.

Benefits of Monomorphization in Rust

1. Performance Optimization

Monomorphization allows the Rust compiler to apply specific optimizations for each specialized version of generic code. This results in highly efficient and performant code. Since WebAssembly is often used in performance-critical applications, such as web games or real-time applications, having optimized code is crucial.

2. Type Safety

Rust’s focus on type safety remains intact even with monomorphization. Each specialized version of a generic function is still type-checked by the Rust compiler. This ensures that type-related errors are caught at compile-time rather than at runtime, reducing the risk of bugs and crashes in your WebAssembly application.

3. No Runtime Overhead

Unlike languages that use type erasure, Rust’s monomorphization eliminates runtime overhead. There’s no need for dynamic dispatch or type checking at runtime since the compiler has already specialized the code for each type. This results in smaller WebAssembly binaries and faster execution.

Using Monomorphization in Rust for WebAssembly

When developing WebAssembly applications in Rust, you can take advantage of monomorphization to achieve optimal performance and maintain type safety. Here are some cases where monomorphization is seen in action:

1. Define Generic Functions

Write your generic functions and data structures as you normally would in Rust, using generic type parameters. For example, you can create a generic data structure to represent a linked list that can work with different data types.

struct LinkedList<T> {
// ...

2. Utilize Generic Types

Use these generic functions and types in your WebAssembly code, providing concrete types as needed. For example, if you want to create a linked list of integers:

let list = LinkedList::<i32>::new();

3. Trust the Compiler

Rust’s compiler, through monomorphization, will take care of generating specialized code for each usage of your generic functions and types. You don’t need to worry about performance or type safety; Rust’s strong static analysis has got you covered.


Monomorphization is a powerful optimization technique used by Rust that significantly contributes to its popularity in WebAssembly development. By generating specialized code for each usage of generic functions and types, Rust achieves high performance, maintains type safety, and eliminates runtime overhead. When using Rust for WebAssembly, embrace monomorphization to unleash the full potential of this modern systems programming language in the browser and beyond.

